Sunday, April 24, 2011


Another week (or more, whoops!) has come and gone. Time goes by and I'm not sure where it goes. It seems like everytime I blink the girls are older, my to-do list is longer, and I'm left in a dazed and confused state wondering how I got so behind. I think it's mostly because when I have dishes to do, laundry to fold, bills to pay, and a constant stream of messes to pick up I'd rather be out snapping pictures of the girls. Here are some random shots from this past week:

 I'm not sure who attached this wagon to Paislee's four wheeler but she haulled that thing all over my mom's yard. Most of the time it had a baby doll in it but she pulled it around empty too. Silly girly.

I'm so proud of her for holding fish the correct way. She used to be afraid that they would bite her. She's getting so big!
 Roxy thoroughly enjoyed herself as well. We had a hard time fishing with her bouncing through the water in front of us.

 ...And all Harleigh wanted to do was eat dirt.

The Easter Bunny made his way through Burden and hid eggs all over the church yard. The girls went nuts over them... Paislee for the candy, Harleigh for the colorful new chew toys!
Here is Paislee with Grandpa Bob trying to figure out the big pile of empty eggs. (Will thought he needed to "teach the kids a lesson in greed.") She quickly bipassed them and continued her hunt.

God bless!

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