Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sweet sweet moments

Look at me, three posts in two days! I got so many people telling me that they liked my blog. I really enjoy posting knowing that there are people interested in what I say and the pictures I post.
I decided to post a some more pictures from the last couple days and also some I took this evening. There are so many to choose from, I guess I'm just spreading them out...

Will's mom got Paislee the movie Tangled. She's watched it a bazillion times but one afternoon she built herself a little fort out of the couch cushions. 

 Harleigh sure loves her bananas!

I love catching all these sweet little shots! I am so excited  for all the pictures I'll take this summer. So very, very excited!


  1. love what your'e doing with this blog, jewelery and pictures look awesome too!

  2. I LOVE all your pictures. Everyone I show them to says, "she has such a great eye for photos!" And I proudly say..."yes, she does." I really like the photo with Harley and Boones and the way the acorns lead to the shot. You definately bought the right camera <3

  3. Thanks guys! I love that people enjoy it!! I have a lot of fun with it!
