Sunday, April 24, 2011


Another week (or more, whoops!) has come and gone. Time goes by and I'm not sure where it goes. It seems like everytime I blink the girls are older, my to-do list is longer, and I'm left in a dazed and confused state wondering how I got so behind. I think it's mostly because when I have dishes to do, laundry to fold, bills to pay, and a constant stream of messes to pick up I'd rather be out snapping pictures of the girls. Here are some random shots from this past week:

 I'm not sure who attached this wagon to Paislee's four wheeler but she haulled that thing all over my mom's yard. Most of the time it had a baby doll in it but she pulled it around empty too. Silly girly.

I'm so proud of her for holding fish the correct way. She used to be afraid that they would bite her. She's getting so big!
 Roxy thoroughly enjoyed herself as well. We had a hard time fishing with her bouncing through the water in front of us.

 ...And all Harleigh wanted to do was eat dirt.

The Easter Bunny made his way through Burden and hid eggs all over the church yard. The girls went nuts over them... Paislee for the candy, Harleigh for the colorful new chew toys!
Here is Paislee with Grandpa Bob trying to figure out the big pile of empty eggs. (Will thought he needed to "teach the kids a lesson in greed.") She quickly bipassed them and continued her hunt.

God bless!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


One of the most therapeutic things I've done in quite some time is take a ride down dirt roads with my husband and girls. The wind was cool but the air was warm. It smelled like spring and we were so at ease and happy and silly. It was amazing. We stopped by a special place to say hello to a soul even sweeter than the lingering smell of this afternoon's rain.  
I never got to meet Will's grandma but I know she was a remarkable woman. Everyone who knew her will tell you that. I know because EVERYONE who knew her has told me that. <3

After the shower and tornado scare we played in the back yard with some bubbles. I should have taken a decent picture of Will twirling with the bubble wand like a little fairy... but I didn't. Instead I got these.

And just in case you forgot how stunning my kiddos are...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Way of Life

I absolutely LOVE living in a small town. I love the small town way of life. While everything is not perfect or as simple as it once was, it seems to be years behind the rest of the world. I went to school in a larger town and it was not cool to grow up on a farm, help with chores, or be involved in organizations like FFA or 4-H. I am so glad that my children have the opportunity to not only be apart of these but to do so with little criticism.
Aaaaaanyway, I had a pretty amazing weekend. Will and I got a much needed date night, we spent all day Saturday at taking a mini road trip, ending up at Tulip Time. Of course I forgot my camera so you'll just have to imagine it. Paislee got her face painted, road rides, and filled up on junk food. It was perfect.
The rest of the weekend was spent just enjoying the weather and being together!

Paislee sure loves to go fishing. She has her own Little Pink Princess Pole and everything. She left it at my mom's house so she didn't have it on this particular fishing trip but obviously that didn't stop her!

Will has been teaching Paislee the "proper" way to shoot. Here she is looking down the sights and lining up her target. :)

 As you can see Harleigh got a hold of my lens cap and, of course, lost it. I bet I looked for it for hours. Under the leaves, on the sidewalk, in the flowers... I gave up, upset that it was gone forever.  It ended up being in the house, on the kitchen floor. Don't ask me.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sweet sweet moments

Look at me, three posts in two days! I got so many people telling me that they liked my blog. I really enjoy posting knowing that there are people interested in what I say and the pictures I post.
I decided to post a some more pictures from the last couple days and also some I took this evening. There are so many to choose from, I guess I'm just spreading them out...

Will's mom got Paislee the movie Tangled. She's watched it a bazillion times but one afternoon she built herself a little fort out of the couch cushions. 

 Harleigh sure loves her bananas!

I love catching all these sweet little shots! I am so excited  for all the pictures I'll take this summer. So very, very excited!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Just cause

I am stressed to the max so I thought I'd take a little blog. Get it, take a blog?.. Anyway, I got at lease one piece of jewelry made today in the 3 hours that I was at the trailer. Most of the time was spent playing referee, picking up messes, and being nurse mama when it got a little rowdy. Here are a few pictures of the pieces I popped out this last week..

I'm selling these at a new store called "Cupcakes!" in Winfield. I'm also selling bows, I'll post pictures of them in a few days when I get some more made.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Breath of fresh air!

So there is this commercial out that my husband says is me to a T. It has a guy that comes out of the house for the first time since the beginning of winter and acts like it was a cold, scary nightmare. I hate winter. Actually, I just hate being cold. I'm so happy that the forecast for the next week is sunny and seventy! Today I took the girls out for some fresh air and picture taking.

I love this next picture, it's as if Harleigh is saying "Why can't the weather be this nice all the time, Ma?"

That last one there is my favorite. She's such a sweet, curious little spirit. They both are really. Hopefully my next blog will include some pictures and commentary about my latest venture... Baby Bows. I started making hair bows and selling them (along with some jewelry I made) at a new shop in town. But like I said, that'll be for another blog.