Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Photo Dump!


^I feel I should explain this one^
That is an empty steak sauce bottle and empty water bottle!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thank you, Jesus!

I have so much in my life to be thankful for! In just the last few days I have felt so loved and so appreciated that I'm beaming with joy and thankfulness! Here's just a couple things (on a VERY long list) that I'm thankful for:
I'll start with my job.
Last week was Para Appreciation Week and everyone that I work for got together and went above and beyond to show their love. It was so touching and inspiring and unexpected. As the saying goes: If you do something you love you'll never work a day in your life! I feel that because my husband is a cop I've been made aware of just how lucky I am to have a "happy job." I'm sure you can imagine what I mean..
I have helped put together a new bible study in my community that targets young mothers and young wives. It's really coming along to be something very special. I think it's a fact that women love to talk so when one woman lets loose about a struggles or worries as a mom or wife it doesn't take long for another to chime in with words of encouragement or even just to say "hey, me too!" We get a little silly, we shed tears, but we leave feeling fulfilled. At least I do!

Along with that, I'm thankful for my family and friends. I mean my REAL friends. As I've gotten older I've realized how much less important is to have a lot of friends and more important to have real ones. I have a small handful of real friends that I know I can run to in a panic, in a pinch, or even just in a laughing fit. I've got girls that are there for me at almost anytime. How awesome is that? And words can't describe my family. I definitely don't take them for granted!

Currently, I am in the very best health of my life and I'm VERY excited about that. It may not seem like a big deal but this is something I've always struggled with, as I'm sure all women have at some point. I work out, I eat right, and I get out and enjoy my life. My husband is always telling me that I've got a rockin' body, especially for having two kids!

Speaking of my husband... I am constantly thanking God for bringing him into my life. And it may sound silly but I'm even thankful for that crap that I was drug through in order to appreciate such a good man! He's an amazing dad, always teaching and playing and loving his girls. I don't even want to think about where I'd be without him!

Last but most of all... my babies! They may be getting older everyday but they are still, and always, my babies. My goal in life is to raise them into smart, funny, and (most importantly) kind people. It's rewarding to watch them help or comfort others and each other. I'm thankful for them but also TO them, they've definitely made me into a better person. My heart is bursting with love!

So I'm sure the most over-used word in this blog is "thankful" but I really don't care... I have so much and I'm THANKFUL!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

If you want something made right...

...You've got to make it yourself! That was Paislee's thought when deciding what to get her cousin for her birthday. We took full advantage of the amazing weather and walked to our workshop.
We decided that the perfect, most special gift would a pink necklace, handmade by Cousin Paislee. So we picked out the beads, decided on a pattern and began to string them together.

We got it all packaged up and looking fabulous...
...and walked it back home!
Paislee waited patiently for her present to be opened. It was one of the very last but finally, when it was time, she was happy to see that the birthday girl liked it!

Monday, March 19, 2012

6 months later

A lot can happen in 6 months, and a lot did! The four of us have continued life as usual, taking it day by day, and enjoying each any every little blessing tossed our way. In no particular order here is a summary of events, big and small, that the past six months held:
  • We've welcomed two new bundles of joy into our family!
The first was Matik, born in December...

...and in March, baby Kinley arrived!

  • Will and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary!
  • We had just the best Christmas ever!
  • Then Valentine's Day...
  • And a school snow day!
  • Don't forget about life's everyday moments <3