Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nice long weekend

Every other weekend is usually amazing since it's Will's weekend off. We didn't have a lot going on so I didn't take many pictures but we had a blast and got to spend some much needed time together.

The weather was cold and rainy. When that happens I tend to spend my days inside with a cup of hot tea constantly in my hand. (Or close by if I'm wrangling my children.) The spring-like warmth from 2 weeks ago brought out my flowers and they were so bright and happy! This weekend, not so much.

The one time we did get out it was to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday at my sister-in-law's house. Paislee loves parties. I don't know if it's the gathering of all of her favorite people or getting ready that she likes most...

Did I mention that it was not only father-in-law celebrating a birthday, but his twin brother also. I did not intentionally leave Will's uncle out of this picture. The birthday singing caught me by surprise and in my haste I cut his head off. This is Bob  and his granddaughters blowing out the candles on the ice cream cake.

Harleigh was fascinated with Will's sheriff badge and wanted it badly all evening long. She would get so excited when she got a hold of it. Of course she had to work hard since it was being rolled from person to person. Then it would get hidden places like Daddy's hat..
And her own back pocket..

The remainder of the weekend was spent lounging around the house, being silly.

This picture warms my heart and saddens me at the same time. She is such a sweet, precious baby. I love her so much and I know as soon as I blink she's going to be going to school. I wish I could pause time for just a little longer. But that's what pictures do in a sense I guess.

Oh I almost forgot.. I have been impatiently waiting for Harleigh's first tooth and one has FINALLY cut through! She will be 9 months old next week!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 1 - 3 Weeks Packed into One Day!

I know that last night was technically "Day One" but today is the first day that I'm really getting started with posting pictures and sharing details of my day. These pictures are from the last past few weeks..

I'll start with the most recent first. The girls and I have been playing inside this morning since it's chilly out.

This is little Miss Harleigh Rae. She is 8 months old and a little ball of fire! She fights my bows but we've been "practicing" wearing them around the house even when we have nowhere to go.

Paislee is three going on thirteen! She has quite the attitude sometimes but she probably gets it from me. She LOVES playing dress-up in her "princess dresses".

Paislee and Harleigh love playing together! Here are some random snapshots taken everywhere.


The girls and I took a trip to Arkansas to visit Grandma Mary. We went to the zoo and watered Grandma's flowers, taking turns with cousins Caelie and Baylen.

This is cousin Trason. He is the only boy in the whole bunch! He's a goofball!

Baylen is Trason's sister and, well, she's a goofball too. But you should meet their mama, they don't stand a chance being any other way! :)

Paislee found herself up a tree at Aunt Leslie's house! 

DONE! That is all for today. I've spent way too much time on this today but I hope you've enjoyed it. I also hope that as I go along I'll get the hang of blogging. Maybe the next blog will be less about the past and more about the present. <3

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Getting Started

Yikes. I've finally jumped. A Blog! I've been tossing around the idea of starting a blog for a few weeks and I'm scared to death, have no clue what I'm doing and I'm very excited!

I should probably tell you what got this blog idea rolling around my head in the first place: I gave up my facebook addiction for lent. Wait! Before you start shaking your finger about the meaning of sacrificing for lent, you should know the whole story.

I am fortunate enough to get to stay at home with my wonderful daughters, Paislee and Harleigh. (I feel like you'll hear PLENTY about how amazing/gorgeous/talented/hilarious/heart-wrenchingly sweet they are in future posts so I'll get right to the point.) Since I am home a majority of the time I developed a TERRIBLE habit of sitting down to piddle on facebook at LEAST once an hour. When I got my smart phone I was checking it in the parking lot of the grocery store, in the waiting room at the doctor's office, even while DRIVING!

Now, when my facebook habit starts threatening the safety of my children, it's time to stop! Worst of all, it was distracting me from my family. I'd been wasting so much time worrying about what other people were up to and what they had to say that I was completely ignoring the fact that my children needed their mama's attention. I've decided that blogging is a safe alternative. I am hoping that I can set aside some specific blog time when I put the angels to sleep. We'll see.

Back to the subject of sacrifice: To me, lent is a time to give something up that is getting in the way of your relationship with God. For me, it's facebook. I decided that I need to spend more time worrying about my family and myself and less about what's going on with other people. My goal is to spend my time taking pictures of the blessings around me and noting the little things that I would have taken for granted pre-facebook sacrifice.

So here goes nothing. I apologize for the length of this first post and also for the lack of pictures!